- M1a. Dense and loose connective tissues - adipose tissues
- M1b. Cartilage
- M1c. Bone
- M1d. Notochord
- M7a. Salivary glands
- M7b. Liver and biliary system
- M7c. Exocrine pancreas
- M11a. Pituitary gland
- M11b. Thyroid gland
- M11c. Parathyroid glands
- M11d. Adrenal glands
- M11e. Endocrine pancreas
- M11f. Pineal gland
- M11g. Gastrointestinal endocrine system
- M11h. Gonads
- M13a. Stato-acoustic system (inner, middle and external ear)
- M13b. Chemoreception (taste - olfaction)
- M13c. Vision
- M13d. Touch
- M13e. Various senses
- M4a. Thymus
- M4b. Lymph nodes
- M4c. Spleen
- M4d. Tonsils
- M4e. Bone marrow
- M4f. Various lymphoid organs - Phagocytic system
- M6a. Oral cavity
- M6b. General outline plan of the digestive tract
- M6c. Esophagus
- M6d. Stomach (glandular and non-glandular)
- M6e. Small intestine (duodenum - jejunum - ileum)
- M6f. Large intestine (caecum - colon - rectum)